Re-unification of the Zomi is not a matter of choice or option. Rather it is more of their rights, considering the fact that they are of the same race. Their distinct culture, customs, traditions, values, dances, dress and folktales are totally different from the surrounding and dominant plains people. The Zomi tribes speak different dialects of the same language. They shared a unique historical process, professed the same religious belief, have common traditional administrative systems, and occupy a contiguous geographical area. They were once in the hoary past one nation, lived in one country, spoke a common language, adopted self-governance without foreign interference, as a result of which they were closely knit together by a bonding spirit of common tradition, culture, customs and practices. Among themselves, they understood that they were descendants of Zo, even while calling themselves and each other by different sub-clan, clan, tribe names and other nomenclatures that varied according to time, place and sentiment.
For outsiders, confusion becomes compounded when the people who say they are the same people called themselves and responded to different nomenclatures, like Chin, Kuki, Lushai, Mizo, Zomi and others. They also do not know that of the above cited names-Chin, Kuki and Lushai-are an imposed alien names. (There are no such words in the Zo vocabulary). The use of these alien names spread far and wide because of their use by the dominant societies surrounding the segregated Zomi. And when this dominant societies came under the British, the names they gave to the Zomi got official sanction, thence into official documents, reports, literature, history and universal usages, usually long before the people themselves knew of it. Further confusion arose with one of the tribes called Zou-te was being recognised as one of the 29 ST of Manipur in 1956.
It is one of the accidents of history that the mighty pen of the British Empire drew lines that part Zomi settlements in different administrative units owing allegiance to different nations. That the British — on getting to know the people better — realised their blunder and try to undo the mistake of the past.
The British’s recognition of these mistakes and their subsequent efforts to amalgamate the entire Zo country, the preferential treatments of Zomi in administration through the various Acts and Regulations, etc speaks for itself the unique identity of the Zomi. All these factors have been discussed in the preceding sections. Here it will suffice to summarise the justifications for our claim of re-unification:
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